
Collaborative Divorce

Make Your Divorce a Transition Not a Trauma

Divorce is a painful, emotional process but it does not have to be a destructive one. If divorce becomes inevitable after exhausting all of the therapeutic options available to repair the damage in your marriage, collaborative divorce provides an appealing alternative.

Collaborative divorce is a new method of dispute resolution designed to foster an amiable resolution of issues that confront couples going through divorce without court intervention. Collaborative divorce is different from other approaches in that it promotes respect and enables spouses to maintain control of the divorce process.

Aiding the couple through is a team of a therapist, attorney, and financial professional who work together to provide expert guidance in the critical steps of the divorce process. These include division of property, support, and developing a parenting plan. Through meetings with the couple and the appropriate professional, strategies and long-term goals are set so the relationship can continue past the marriage in a healthy and productive manner.

What Are the Benefits of Collaborative Divorce?

  • Gives children a voice in the separation process
  • Helps keep assets and personal problems private
  • Improves communication between parties
  • Enables each party to choose their own attorney
  • Keeps control of the process in the hands of the parties
  • Alleviates the potential of future trauma to the family

Working together to maintain the stability of your family during a divorce is the responsibility of both spouses. The way you treat each other as you struggle to dissolve your marriage will play a major role in how each member of the family responds to this major transition. Please contact us or telephone Miles Wagman (732-345-1399) for a free consultation to see if collaborative divorce is a viable option for your marriage.

A good marriage is one, which allows for change and growth in the individuals and in the way they express their love.
-Pearl Buck, Author